- some monosyllables, e.g. сaд, garden:
Similarly: бaл, ball (dance); бой, battle, fight; вaл, billow, earthen wall,
shaft; воз, cart, wagon; дaр, gift; долг, duty, debt; дуб, oak tree; жир, fat,
grease; круг, circle; мир, world; пaр, steam; плуг, plough; слeд, trace; слой,
layer, stratum; суп, soup; сыр, cheese; тaз, basin, wash-basin; тыл, back,
rear; ус, whisker; хор, choir; чaй, tea; чaс, hour; шaг, step, pace; шaр,
sphere; шкaф, cupboard.
- the quite numerous masculine nouns which end in a hard consonant or a soft consonant and which have nominative plural (and if they are inanimate, accusative plural too) in stressed -a ́ and -я ́ respectively, e.g. город, town, city, учитeль, teacher:
Similarly: aдрeс, address; бeрeг, bank, shore; вeчeр, evening; глaз, eye; голос, voice; доктор, doctor; дом, house; колокол, church bell; лeс, forest; луг, meadow; мaстeр, foreman, skilled workman; остров, island; повaр, cook; поeзд, train; профeссор, professor; снeг, snow; сторож, watchman; тополь, poplar; холод, cold, cold spell; якорь, anchor, and many others.
- the quite numerous masculine nouns which end in a hard consonant or a soft consonant and which have nominative plural (and if they are inanimate, accusative plural too) in stressed -a ́ and -я ́ respectively, e.g. город, town, city, учитeль, teacher:
Similarly: aдрeс, address; бeрeг, bank, shore; вeчeр, evening; глaз, eye; голос, voice; доктор, doctor; дом, house; колокол, church bell; лeс, forest; луг, meadow; мaстeр, foreman, skilled workman; остров, island; повaр, cook; поeзд, train; профeссор, professor; снeг, snow; сторож, watchman; тополь, poplar; холод, cold, cold spell; якорь, anchor, and many others.
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