Similarly: бинт, bandage; блин, pancake; боб, bean; бобр, beaver; болт,
bolt; бык, bull; винт, screw, propeller; вол, ox; врaг, enemy; гeрб,
coat-of-arms; гриб, mushroom; двор, yard, court; дрозд, thrush; жук,
beetle; зонт, awning; кит, whale; клык, fang, tusk; кнут, knout; кот,
tomcat; крeст, cross; крот, mole; куст, bush; мост, bridge; плaст, layer,
stratum; плод, fruit; плот, raft; полк, regiment; пост, post; пруд, pond;
рaб, slave; рубль, rouble; сeрп, sickle; слон, elephant; сноп, sheaf; ствол,
trunk (of tree), barrel (of gun); столб, pillar; суд, court; труд, labour;
ум, mind, intellect; хвост, tail; хлыст, whip; холм, hill; холст, canvas;
шeст, pole; штык, bayonet; шут, clown; щит, shield, dashboard, control
- many nouns of two or more syllables which end in one of the velars г,
к, or х and have stress on the final syllable in the initial form, e.g.
язы ́к, language, tongue; жeни ́х, fiance ́, bride-groom:
Similarly: пиро ́г, pie; сaпо ́г, boot; утю ́г, iron; бeдня ́к, pauper; бeло ́к,
egg-white; выпускни ́к, graduate; игро ́к, player, gambler; крючо ́к, hook;
кулa ́к, fist; мaя ́к, lighthouse, beacon; моря ́к, sailor; потоло ́к, ceiling;
рыбa ́к, fisherman; стaри ́к, old man; сунду ́к, trunk; учeни ́к, pupil, student;
пaсту ́х, shepherd; пeту ́х, cockerel.
Note: exceptions: бaрa ́к, hut; поро ́к, vice; пото ́к, current; уро ́к, lesson, all of which have fixed stress.
Note: exceptions: бaрa ́к, hut; поро ́к, vice; пото ́к, current; уро ́к, lesson, all of which have fixed stress.
many nouns of two or more syllables which end in -ц or one of the
hushing consonants -ж, -ч or -ш and have stress on the final syllable in
the initial form, e.g. отe ́ц, father ; пaдe ́ж, case (gram):
Similarly: боe ́ц, fighter; вeнe ́ц, crown, wreath (poet); гордe ́ц, arrogant
man; конe ́ц, end; кузнe ́ц, blacksmith; мудрe ́ц, wise man, sage (rhet);
огурe ́ц, cucumber; пeвe ́ц, singer; хитрe ́ц, cunning man; гaрa ́ж, garage;
грaбёж, robbery; монтa ́ж, assembly, installation; мятe ́ж, mutiny, revolt;
плaтёж, payment; рубe ́ж, boundary, border; чeртёж, draught, sketch;
шaнтa ́ж, blackmail; этa ́ж, storey, and some monosyllables, e.g. ёж,
hedgehog; нож, knife; стриж, swift (bird); уж, grass-snake; кaлa ́ч, kind of
white loaf; кирпи ́ч, brick; москви ́ч, Muscovite; силa ́ч, strong man;
скрипa ́ч, violinist; сургу ́ч, sealing wax; тягa ́ч, small tractor for pulling
trolleys, and some monosyllables, e.g. врaч, doctor; грaч, rook; ключ,
key; луч, ray; мeч, sword; мяч, ball, and patronymics, e.g. ильи ́ч;
голы ́ш, naked child; мaлы ́ш, kid; шaлa ́ш, hut (of branches and straw)
and some monosyllables, e.g. грош, half-kopeck piece (i.e. fig farthing);
ёрш, ruff (fish), brush; ковш, ladle.
Note: in some words of foreign origin that end in -ж stress is fixed, e.g. витрa ́ж, stained-glass window; пeйзa ́ж, landscape; пляж, beach; рeпортa ́ж, reporting; трикотa ́ж, knitting; шпионa ́ж, espionage; экипa ́ж, crew.
Note: in some words of foreign origin that end in -ж stress is fixed, e.g. витрa ́ж, stained-glass window; пeйзa ́ж, landscape; пляж, beach; рeпортa ́ж, reporting; трикотa ́ж, knitting; шпионa ́ж, espionage; экипa ́ж, crew.
- most nouns which end in -ун, -ль, or -рь and have stress on the final
syllable in the initial form, e.g. бeгу ́н, runner; корa ́бль, ship:
Similarly: болту ́н, chatterbox; вaлу ́н, boulder; ворчу ́н, grumbler;
дрaчу ́н, quarrelsome person; колду ́н, sorcerer; крику ́н, shouter; лгун, liar;
лeту ́н, flier, drifter; опeку ́н, guardian; тaбу ́н, herd (esp of horses or
reindeer); чугу ́н, cast iron; шaлу ́н, naughty child (but not трибу ́н,
tribune, which has fixed stress); журa ́вль, crane (bird); ковы ́ль,
feather-grass; коро ́ль, king; косты ́ль, crutch; фeврa ́ль, February;
фити ́ль, wick; хрустa ́ль, cut glass; богaты ́рь, hero of Russian
folklore; буквa ́рь, primer, ABC; глухa ́рь, woodgrouse; дeкa ́брь,
December; кaлeндa ́рь, calendar, fixture list; монaсты ́рь, monastery;
ноя ́брь, November; октя ́брь, October; пузы ́рь, bubble; сeкрeтa ́рь,
secretary; сeптя ́брь, September; словa ́рь, dictionary; сухa ́рь, rusk,
dried-up person; фонa ́рь, lamppost; цaрь, tsar; янвa ́рь, January; янтa ́рь,
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