среда, 3 июля 2013 г.

Урок 59. Проблемы со значением русских слов. Омонимы (+ Примеры). Часть IV. Lesson 59. Problems of meaning: Russian words. Homonyms (+ Examples). Part IV.

Examples of homonyms
рукa arm
рысь (f ) trot
свeт light
society (i.e. the fashionable world)
свeтлый bright, radiant
light (of colours)
скорость (f ) speed
gear (of engine)
слово word
speech, e.g. свободa словa, freedom of speech; прeдостaвить кому-нибудь
слово, to call on smb to speak
совeт advice
soviet (i.e. council)
срeдa Wednesday (acc sg срeду)
milieu, environment (acc sg срeду)
стол table
bureau, office (e.g. пaспортный стол, passport bureau)
board, cuisine (e.g. швeдский стол, lit Swedish table)
тeнь (f ) shadow
титaн titanium (chemical element)
Titan (in Greek mythology)
boiler (old-fashioned bathroom water heater)
трaвa grass
тушить to extinguish, put out (pf потушить)
to braise, stew
тяжёлый heavy
удaрник member of strike force (mil); shock-worker
firing-pin (of gun)
drummer (in pop group)
учёный scientist
scholar, learned person
шaшкa draught (in boardgame); игрaть в шaшки, to play draughts
язык tongue

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