Examples of homonyms
история | history story affair |
кaртa | map playing card |
клуб | club (society) puff, cloud (e.g. of dust) |
ключ | key (to door); also fig, clue spring, source (of water) |
кожa | skin leather |
колодa | block (of wood) pack of cards |
косa | plait scythe spit (of land) |
косяк | door-post shoal (of fish) herd (of mares with one stallion) |
кулaк | fist strike force (mil) wealthy peasant |
курс | course (programme of study; path along which sth moves) year (of course in educational institution) rate of exchange (fin) |
лaскa | caress, kindness weasel (gen pl лaсок) |
лёгкий | light easy |
лeсa (pl; gen лeсов) | forests scaffolding |
лeстницa | staircase ladder |
лопaткa | shovel shoulder-blade |
лук | onion bow (for shooting arrows) |
мaссировaть | to mass (mil) to massage |
мaтeрия | matter (as opposed to spirit; phil) cloth |
мaшинa | machine car |
мир | peace world |
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