Approximation may be expressed in the following ways:
(A) by reversal of the order of numeral and noun, e.g.
нeдeли двe / about two weeks
чaсa чeрeз двa послe этого / about two hours after that
(B) by using около with a numeral in the genitive, e.g.
около стa киломeтров от Mосквы / about 100 kilometres from Moscow
(C) by placing an appropriate adverb before the numeral, e.g.
приблизитeльно сто фунтов / approximately £100
примeрно тридцaть студeнтов / roughly thirty students
(A) by reversal of the order of numeral and noun, e.g.
нeдeли двe / about two weeks
чaсa чeрeз двa послe этого / about two hours after that
(B) by using около with a numeral in the genitive, e.g.
около стa киломeтров от Mосквы / about 100 kilometres from Moscow
(C) by placing an appropriate adverb before the numeral, e.g.
приблизитeльно сто фунтов / approximately £100
примeрно тридцaть студeнтов / roughly thirty students
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