The Russian verb has an extra characteristics: The Aspect.
The action expressed by a verb may be viewed from different stand points: completion, frequency of occurance, action in progress, statement of fact, etc.
The Aspect is manifested through prefixes or suffixes and not through the endings as the tenses do. Practically each Russian verb belongs either to the Imperfective or the Perfective Aspect.
Most Russian verbs go in pairs of Imperfective and Perfective verbs, for example: делать - сделать - to do
The Aspect of the verb is always marked in the dictionaries, e. g.:
делать – Imperfective, сделать – Perfective
The verbs which make up an Aspect pair generally have the same meaning, i. e. they name one and the same real action, for example:
делать/сделать - to do
делать - to do
сделать - lit., to have something done.
The Tense formation scheme:
Stem of the verb – Tense ending
The Aspect formation scheme:

Mind that the Aspect goes through the whole system of the verb:
Aspect Aspect
– Infinitives – Tenses – Imperatives – Participles –
The Aspect in The Tense System
The Aspect is a kind of a rod which goes through the Tense system of the Russian verb.
With reference to the Aspect, the Tense system of the Russian verb can be presented by the following scheme:
Imperfective Aspect (First Form)
These verbs are simply called the Imperfective Verbs.
Perfective Aspect (Second Form)
These verbs are simply called the Perfective Verbs.
The action expressed by a verb may be viewed from different stand points: completion, frequency of occurance, action in progress, statement of fact, etc.
The Aspect is manifested through prefixes or suffixes and not through the endings as the tenses do. Practically each Russian verb belongs either to the Imperfective or the Perfective Aspect.
Most Russian verbs go in pairs of Imperfective and Perfective verbs, for example: делать - сделать - to do
The Aspect of the verb is always marked in the dictionaries, e. g.:
делать – Imperfective, сделать – Perfective
The verbs which make up an Aspect pair generally have the same meaning, i. e. they name one and the same real action, for example:
делать/сделать - to do
делать - to do
сделать - lit., to have something done.
The Tense formation scheme:
Stem of the verb – Tense ending
The Aspect formation scheme:
Mind that the Aspect goes through the whole system of the verb:
Aspect Aspect
– Infinitives – Tenses – Imperatives – Participles –
The Aspect in The Tense System
The Aspect is a kind of a rod which goes through the Tense system of the Russian verb.
With reference to the Aspect, the Tense system of the Russian verb can be presented by the following scheme:
Imperfective Aspect (First Form)
These verbs are simply called the Imperfective Verbs.
Perfective Aspect (Second Form)
These verbs are simply called the Perfective Verbs.
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