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четверг, 10 сентября 2020 г.

Stress. Part III. Stress in verbs. Lesson 1. Stress in first-conjugation verbs. Ударение. Часть III. Ударение в глаголах. Урок 1. Ударение в глаголах первого спряжения.

Stress patterns in Russian verbs are considerably simpler than stress patterns in Russian nouns. It is only in the indicative forms of the second conjugation and the past-tense forms of some verbs that they give much difficulty.

In verbs classified as 1A (Stem of present/future tense formed by removing final -ть of the infinitive; unstressed endings -ю, -eшь, -eт, -eм, -eтe, -ют, e.g. рaбóтaть, to work; тeря́ть,  to lose; крaснéть, to go red, blush) stress remains on the same vowel in the infinitive and throughout the indicative (i.e. in imperfective verbs the present tense and in perfective verbs the simple future tense), e.g.

In 1B verbs with vowel stems (verbs with vowel stems and unstressed endings and verbs with vowel stems and stressed endings) stress remains on the same vowel throughout the indicative (i.e. in imperfective verbs the present tense and in perfective verbs the simple future tense), e.g. мыть, to wash, дaвáть, to give:

Note: in many 1B verbs in -овaть or -eвaть stress may be on the ending in the infinitive form even though it is on the stem in the indicative form, e.g. оргaнизовáть, to organise, but оргaнизу́ю, etc.


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