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четверг, 17 сентября 2020 г.

Stress. Part III. Stress in verbs. Lesson 1. Stress in first-conjugation verbs (Continued). Ударение. Часть III. Ударение в глаголах. Урок 1. Ударение в глаголах первого спряжения (Продолжение).

In 1B verbs with consonant stems (verbs with stems in л and р and unstressed endings, verbs with consonant stems and unstressed endings and verbs with consonant stems and stressed endings) some verbs (e.g. рéзaть, to cut) have unstressed endings throughout the indicative, others (e.g. жить, to live) have stressed endings throughout the indicative, and others (e.g. писáть, to write) have stress on the ending in the first person singular but on the stem in all the remaining persons, e.g.

In verbs of more than one syllable (not counting any prefix) that conform to the first of these patterns (e.g. плáкaть, to cry, глóхнуть, to go deaf, éхaть, to go (by transport), as well as рéзaть) stress is on the stem in the infinitive. In verbs of more than one syllable (not counting any prefix) that conform to the second pattern (e.g. вeсти́, to lead, идти́, to go (on foot), вeзти́, to take (by transport), бeрéчь, to guard) or the third pattern (e.g. колóть, to prick, искáть, to look for, мaхáть, to wave, as well as писáть) stress is on the ending in the infinitive.

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