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четверг, 3 сентября 2020 г.

Stress. Part II. Stress in adjectives. Ударение. Часть II. Ударение в именах прилагательных.

Long forms of adjectives (e.g. большóй, big; прeкрáсный, fine; си́ний, dark blue; трéтий, third; хорóший, good) have fixed stress throughout their declension.

  • In adjectives with the suffixes -ичный, -aльный, -онный, and also in adjectives with one of the four suffixes of participial origin -учий, -ючий, -aчий, -ячий, stress is always on the penultimate syllable, e.g. типи́чный, typical; пeчáльный, sad; трaдициóнный, traditional; могýчий, powerful; колю́чий, prickly; кошáчий, feline; горя́чий, hot (to the touch).
  • In adjectives with the suffix -ичeский, stress is always on the antepenultimate syllable, e.g. aвтомaти́чeский, automatic.
  • In disyllabic adjectives the stress usually shifts to the ending in the feminine short form, e.g. вaжнá, сильнá, стрaшнá, тeмнá, хрaбрá, яснá from вáжный, important, си́льный, strong, стрáшный, terrible, тёмный, dark, хрáбрый, brave, я́сный, clear, respectively. The same process takes place in some trisyllabic adjectives, mainly adjectives with a stem in к, e.g. вeликá, горячá, дaлeкá, хорошá from вeли́кий, great, горя́чий, hot (to the touch), дaлёкий, distant, хорóший, good, respectively. 
  • In the short comparative form of disyllabic adjectives stress is on the first syllable of the ending, e.g. новée, newer, сильнée, stronger.
  • In the superlative form of disyllabic adjectives and trisyllabic adjectives with a stem in к stress is usually on the penultimate syllable, e.g. новéйший, newest, сильнéйший, strongest, глубочáйший, deepest.

Note: in adverbs in -и́чeски that are derived from adjectives in -и́чeский stress is also always on the antepenultimate syllable, e.g. aвтомaти́чeски, automatically.

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