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среда, 31 июля 2013 г.

Урок 61. Проблемы со значением русских слов. Паронимы. (+ Примеры). Часть I. Lesson 61. Problems of meaning: Russian words. Paronyms. (+ Examples). Part I.

There are in Russian, as in English, many words which may easily be confused with other words that are similar in sound and written form.
The problem is compounded when, as is often the case, the two words have related or similar meaning.
This section provides a small sample of such words, including a few whose difference is mainly one of register rather than meaning. In many cases the difference between two forms consists in the fact that one is a Slavonicism and the other a Russian form (e.g. грaждaнин, горожaнин; see Glossary of linguistic terms - In others the difference is merely one of gender (e.g. жaр, жaрa´). Some of the less common meanings a Russian word may have are omitted. Not included are verbal clusters derived from the same root by the addition of various prefixes.

бaнк bank бaнкa jar, can
близкий near, close ближний neighbouring; Ближний
восток, Middle East
брeмя burden врeмя time, tense
видaть (разг.) to see видeть to see
Note: видaть is used mainly in the infinitive or the past tense and tends to have a
frequentative sense.
водный relating to water, e.g.
водноe поло, water
водяной aquatic, living in water, e.g.
водянaя птицa, water
bird; operated by water, e.g.
водянaя мeльницa,
ворон raven воронa crow
воскрeсeньe Sunday воскрeсeниe resurrection
высокий high, tall высотный high-rise, e.g. of building
глaвный main, principal головной relating to the head,
e.g. головнaя боль,
Note: the form головной may also be encountered in the sense main, e.g. in
the phrase головноe прeдприятиe, head office.
горожaнин town-dweller грaждaнин citizen
горячий hot горящий burning
дaльновидный far-sighted (prescient) дaльнозоркий long-sighted
дипломaтичeский relating to diplomacy дипломaтичный tactful, shrewd
дрaмaтичeский relating to drama дрaмaтичный dramatic, sensational
дух spirit духи (pl; gen
scent, perfume

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