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вторник, 16 августа 2011 г.

Грамматика русского языка. Часть 7. Имя прилагательное. Глава 2. Прилагательные с ударными окончаниями и прилагательные, изменяющиеся по мягкой разновидности склонения. Russian Grammar. Part 7. The Adjective. Unit 2. The Stressed and Soft Adjectives.

The most common kind of adjectives are those whose stems are unstressed. In this unit we meet stressed adjectives - adjectives whose endings are stressed. Soft adjectives are a third, relatively small, group of adjectives; their endings are composed only of “soft” vowels (ий, ия, ee, иe).

A stressed adjective can be identified by looking at the masculine singular nominative form - it will end in ой: молодой футболист (a young football player).

The feminine form of a stressed adjective is exactly the same as that of an unstressed adjective - it will end in ая: молодая актриca (a young actress).

The neuter form of a stressed adjective is exacfly the same as that of an unstressed adjective - it will end in oe: молодое дерево (a young tree).

NB The Russian word for big is большой. Because the ending is stressed the letter ш can be followed by the letter о - this applies both to the masculine singular and to the neuter singular: Большой театр (Bolshoi Theatre), большое окно (a big window).

Plural stressed adjectives in the nominative end in ыe, whatever the gender of the noun they are describing: молодые люди (young people). If the adjective's stem ends in гкхжчшщ, then the ending must be иe (in accordance with the first spelling rule): другие люди (other people).

There are only about 40 soft adjectives. You can recognize them because their masculine singular will end in ний: последний автобус (the last bus). The feminine ending for a soft adjective is яя; the neuter ending is ee and the plural is иe: вечерняя газета (evening paper), зимнее утро (a winter morning), последние новости (the latest news).

Most soft adjectives are connected with time and seasons, as in the last examples. Others indicate location (e.g. Дальний Восток – the Far East) and two indicate colour:
синий диван – a navy blue sofa, карие глаза - hazel eyes.

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