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понедельник, 15 августа 2011 г.

Грамматика русского языка. Часть 7. Имя прилагательное. Глава 1. Прилагательное, описывающее существительное. Russian Grammar. Part 7. The Adjective. Unit 1. An adjective describes a noun.

An adjective describes a noun (e.g. shows the colour, the size, the mood). In Russian an adjective must agree with its noun, i.e. a masculine adjective with a masculine noun. Adjectives with unstressed endings are the most common type in Russian.

Adiectives are made up of a “stem” and an “ending” (the “ending” is the last two letters). The adjectives dealt with in this unit all have stressed stems (and, therefore, unstessed endings). There are different endings for masculine, feminine and neuter singular, but the nominative plural ending is the same for all genders. Dictionaries always give the masculine singular nominative form of the adjective and it is this form which tells us what sort of adjective it is (unstressed, stressed or soft).

The ending for masculine unstressed adjectives is ый: новый телевизор (new television). Some masculine unstressed adjectives end in ий, rather than ый because the last letter of their “stem” is г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, щ (first spelling rule). Two of the most common are the adjectives meaning small and good: маленький мальчик (small boy); хороший журнал (good magazine).

NB Although some nouns with masculine meanings have feminine endings (e.g. мужчина (man), дедушка (grandfather) adjectives used to describe them must be masculine: старый дедушка (old grandfather).

The ending for feminine unstressed adjectives is ая (easy to remember, because feminine nouns usually end in a or я): новая гостиница (new hotel), старая кухня (old kitchen).

The ending for neuter unstressed adjectives is oe (also easy to remember, because neuter nouns usually end in o or e): новое окно (new window). Some neuter unstressed adjectives end in ee, not oe, because of the second spelling rule, which does not allow an unstressed o to appear after ж, ч, ш, щ, ц: свежее яйцо (fresh egg), хорошее место (good place).

The ending for all nominative plurat adjectives of all genders is ые. However, if the last letter of an adjective's “stem” is гкхжчшщ, then the ending must be иe (in accordance with the first spelling rule): новые телевизоры (new televisions), старые кухни (old kitchens), хорошие места (good places).

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