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понедельник, 11 июня 2018 г.

Enrich Your Russian Vocabulary. Lesson 31. Пополни словарный запас русского языка. Урок 31.

Most Russian verbs have one form in the present tense that translates the English ‘I do’ and ‘I am doing’: я делаю = ‘I do, am doing’, я работаю = ‘I work, am working’.
Going verbs in Russian have an extra ‘habitual’ general verb: я иду = ‘I am going’, я часто хожу = ‘I often go’.
ходить = ‘to go (habitually)’ is used in the past to describe how you used to go, or went regularly or often: когда мы жили на даче, мы часто ходили в лес = ‘when we lived at the dacha we often went (used to go) to the forest’ (лес = ‘forest, wood’). It is also used to describe a return trip: я ходил(a) в магазин =
‘I went to the shop, I’ve been to the shop’
вчера = ‘yesterday’; вчера вечером мы ходили в ресторан = ‘yesterday evening we went to the restaurant’.


Where did you go yesterday evening? = Where were you yesterday evening? 
Куда вы ходили (ты ходил) вчера  вечером? = Где вы были вчера вечером?

We didn’t go anywhere because we had visitors. 
Мы никуда не ходили, потому что у нас были гости.

While everybody was sleeping mum went to the shop to buy bread and milk.
Пока все спали, мама ходила в магазин и купила хлеб и молоко. 

There was a lot of snow in the forest and it was very beautiful. 
В лесу было много снега и было очень красиво. 

We usually *go (= travel) to the dacha by train. Мы обычно ездим на дачу на поезде. 


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