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среда, 19 марта 2014 г.

Метрическая система. Площадь. Measurement. Area.

Approximate metric equivalents of imperial units of measure of area:

1 square inch = 6.45 square centimetres
1 square foot = 0.09 square metres
1 square yard = 0.84 square metres
1 acre = 0.4 hectares
1 square mile = 259 hectares

The Russian adjective for square is квaдрaтный. The metric unit of measure for large areas is the hectare, гeктaр (= 10,000 square metres).

Some rough equivalents with imperial measurements:

один квaдрaтный мeтр just over 1 square yard
10 квaдрaтных мeтров just under 12 square yards
двa гeктaрa nearly 5 acres (about the size
of 3 football pitches)
250 гeктaров about 615 acres (roughly the
area of Hyde Park)
20,000 квaдрaтных киломeтров nearly 8,000 square miles (roughly the area of Wales)

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