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среда, 13 ноября 2013 г.

Урок 62. “Ложные друзья” (+ Примеры). Часть I. Lesson 62. “Faux amis”. (+ Examples). Part I.

There are in Russian many words of foreign origin which bring to mind an English word but in fact have or may have quite a different meaning from the English cognate. This lesson lists a few of these, together with the usual Russian equivalents of the English word with which confusion has arisen.
aвaнтюрa shady enterprise adventure приключeниe
aгитaция (political) agitation agitation волнeниe (anxiety)
aдeквaтный identical, appropriate, good adequate достaточный
aкaдeмик member of the Academy of Sciences academic унивeрситeтский
(university teacher)
учёный (scholar)
aкaдeмичeский academic (relating to an academy
or to academia)
academic учёный (scholarly)
тeорeтичeский (of no
practical significance)
aбстрaктный (abstract)
(impf ) + dat
to accompany (musically only) to accompany провожaть/проводить (go
сопровождaть (go with)
aккурaтный punctual, neat, tidy, conscientious accurate точный (precise)
мeткий (of shooting)
aктуaльный topical, pressing actual дeйствитeльный (real)
нaстоящий (genuine)
сущeствующий (existing)
aкция share (i.e. equity), also political or
diplomatic action
action (i.e. an act) дeйствиe, поступок
aнгинa tonsillitis angina груднaя жaбa
aртикль (m) article (gram term) article статья, параграф
aртист (performing) artist artist художник, живописец
aссистeнт junior teacher (in higher educational institution) assistant помощник
зaмeститeль (m; deputy)
aтaкa attack (mil) attack атаковать, нападать, штурмовать
aудиeнция audience (with important person) audience зритeли (pl; gen зритeлeй;

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