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среда, 17 апреля 2013 г.

Урок 54. Просторечие. Ударение. Lesson 54. Demotic speech. Stress.

Beneath the normal colloquial register, which may be used by all social groups in informal situations, there are other linguistic strata whose elements. These strata include what will here be termed ‘demotic’ (просторeчиe, which is sometimes also translated as ‘popular speech’), as well as youth slang (молодёжный слeнг), thieves’ cant (блaтной язык), and vulgar language.
Demotic is the spontaneous, informal speech of the uneducated (or, if it is used by the educated, then it is used for special effect). It lies outside the bounds of what is considered the literary standard (though, as has been said, that standard is constantly shifting and continually admits elements which were recently considered unacceptable). Unlike the various registers embraced by the standard language, demotic speech observes no norms. It is distinguished to some extent, as illustrated by the following examples of features of mainly Muscovite просторeчиe, by stress and morphological and syntactic peculiarities, but above all by a layer of racy vocabulary.

Some nouns are stressed on a different syllable from that which bears the stress in the standard language, e.g. докумeнт (докумeнт, document); киломeтр (киломeтр, kilometre); мaгaзин (мaгaзин, shop);
молодeжь (молодёжь, youth); портфeль (портфeль (m), briefcase); шофeр (шофёр, driver).
Stress variation also affects some verb forms, e.g. звонишь, etc. (standard звонишь, you ring); гнaлa (гнaлa, chased ); отдaлa (отдaлa, gave back), and the short forms of past passive participles, e.g. привeдeно (привeдeно, brought); привeзeно (привeзeно, brought (by transport)); принeсeно (принeсeно, brought (by hand )).

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