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среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

Урок 44. Возвратные местоимения. Lesson 44. Reflexive Pronouns.

The rеflexive pronoun себя means self and it must refer back to the subiect of the verb; it is used when self would be either stated or implied.

(А) In English we might say He is bringing the camera with him (in other words, we don't actually say with himself, but this is what is implied). In Russian this would require the use of the reflexive pronoun себя: Он берёт с собой фотоаппарат.

(B) The pronoun себя declines as follows:
Accusative себя
Genitive себя
Dative себе
Instrumental собой
Preposititional себе

Note that is used for all persons (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) and that it does not exist in the nominative.

(C) Себя is often required after prepositions in contexts where we would not state the word self in English, for example:
Он видит перед собой большую собаку. He sees a big dog in front of him(self).
Мы закрыли за собой дверь. We closed the door behind us (ourselves).
Он купил шоколад для себя. He bought the chocolate for himself.

(D) Note the useful phrase само собой разумеется (it stands to reason). The reflexive pronoun is also used to make certain common verbs, e.g.:
вести себя to behave
представлять себе to imagine
чувствовать себя to feel

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