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понедельник, 12 сентября 2011 г.

Russian Idioms. Part II.

Idioms Literal translation Meaning
Быть не в своей тарелке To be not in one's personal plate To be not quite oneself, to be not quite at ease, to feel uneasy.
Быть на ножах To be on the knives To display mutual hostility.
Больной вопрос A sore question An urgent problem that is difficult to solve.
Белены объелся Henbane it ate Reason lost, behaves as abnormal, reckless. Henbane - poisonous plant.
В ус не дуть In the whisker not to blow Not to turn attention.
Верить на слово To believe for the word To rely on whose - or assertions, without the confirmation by facts, by proofs.
Валять дурака To drag along fool To amuse by foolish tricks.
Вешать лапшу на уши To hang noodles to the ears To deceive, to develop, to address teeth, to separate demagogy.
Денег куры не клюют The hens don't peck at the money One has plenty of money.
Делать из мухи слона To make an elephant out of a fly. To exaggerate the importance of a small matter.
Два сапога пара Two boots make a pair They are alike; (usually with reference to disposition, tastes, conduct, etc.)
Довести до белого каления To bring to the white heat To deprive composure, to anger, to infuriate.
Держи карман шире! Hold pocket more widely! Do not hope, do not design for anything, do not await anything.
Держать руку на пульсе To hold hand on the pulse To follow the proceeding events, to examine them and if necessary to react to the changes.
Дело в шляпе The matter in the hat Everything is good; all in the order, all are solved, it is successfully settled. On the successful completion, the outcome of anything.
Голодный как волк Hungry as a wolf Terribly hungry.
Голова идет кругом One's head is going round Someone has a lot to do, is in a state of bewilderment or confusion being worn out with troubles and worry.
Говорить под руку To speak to someone's hand To say something at the wrong time; to disturb someone when he is concentrating on something; to distract someone by talking.
Глаза разбегаются One's eyes are running in different directions One doesn't know what to look at first; one is dazzled by the sight of so many things; one is unable to concentrate on one thing.

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