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четверг, 22 сентября 2011 г.

Грамматика русского языка. Часть 8. Глагол. Глава 2. Инфинитив (начальная неопределенная форма глагола) как база для образования глаголов в русском языке. Russian Grammar. Part 8. The Verb. Unit 2. The Infinitive as a Base for The Verb Forms.

In the dictionaries the Russian verbs are registered in the Infinitive. The Infinitive is the form which does not have any ending indicating the Tense.
There are three Tenses in Russian:

The Present Tense
The Past Tense
The Future Tense


The Infinitives end in: ть, сть, чь, ти, сти, зть, зти.
The combinations with the Infinitive can be represented by the following scheme:

INFINITIVE – 1. verbs  - 2. должен, нужно/надо, можно, нельзя – 3. “it is” phrases with “o” forms

1. The Infinitive is normally combined with many verbs:

Я люблю читать. I like reading.
Я хочу поехать на экскурсию. I want to go sightseeng.
Я всегда буду вам помогать. I will always help you.

2. The Infinitive is used in the sentences with the meaning of obligation, supposition, permission or prohibition, for example:

Мне нужно работать. I have to work. / I must work.
Он должен приехать завтра. He should come tomorrow. / He is supposed to come tomorrow.
Можно поехать на метро. You can go by metro.
Здесь нельзя ставить машину. You cannot park your car here. / It´s forbidden to park your car here.
Трудно водить машину в Москве. It is difficult to drive a car in Moscow.

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