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понедельник, 19 сентября 2011 г.

Грамматика русского языка. Часть 7. Имя прилагательное. Глава 13. Сравнительная степень: конструкции. Russian Grammar. Part 7. The Adjective. Unit 13. The Comparative. Constructions.

In English you form the second part of the comparative by using the word than (he has a more beautiful car than you). In Russian this part of the sentence is formed either by using the word чем (than) or by using the genitive.

When we are using the long form comparative in Russian, we must form the second part of the comparative by using the word чем:

У него более красивый автомобиль, чем у тебя.
He has a more beautiful car thаn you.

The word чем must also be used if the words eгo, , их feature in the second part of the comрarison:
Это более красивый автомобиль, чем его.
It's a more beautiful car than his.

If you are using the short form of the comparative, there are two ways in which you can deal with the second part of your comparison (than  ...). Either use чем:
Мой дом приятнее, чем твой.
My house is pleasanter than yours.

Or use the genitive of the second part of your comparison:
Мой дом приятнее твоего.
My house is pleasanter than yours.

If you want to “intensify” your comparative (it is much more interesting), simply add the words гораздо or намного:
Мой дом гораздо приятнее твоего.
My house is much pleasanter than yours.
Эта книга намного интереснее.
This book is much more interesting.

If you want to say how much taller/shorter, younger/older someone is, use the preposition на:
Она моложе его на шесть лет.
She is six years younger than him.

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