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пятница, 29 июля 2011 г.

Грамматика русского языка. Часть 6. Падежи. Глава 6. Дательный падеж. Russian Grammar. Part 6. Cases. Unit 6. The Dative Case.

The principal meaning of the dative case is to or for. lt is used for the indirect obiect (the person or thing that is shown, told etc. something). The dative case also follows some common verbs, e.g. помогать (to help), звонить (to ring).

The dative case is needed for the indirect object of a sentence:
Subject +  Verb + Object + Indirect object
Vadim gave a bunch of roses to Katya
Вадим дал букет роз Кате

There are two endings for the dative singular of masculine nouns: у and ю.

Nominative singular Translation Dative singular
брат brother брату
Сергей Sergei Сергею
учитель teacher учителю

There are two endings for the dative singular of feminine nouns: е and и.

Nominative singular


Dative singular
сестра sister сестре
Катя Katya Кате
Мария Maria Марии
NB The two most common irregular dative feminine forms are for mother and daughter:
мать - матери and дочь - дочери.

There are two endings for the dative singular of neuter nouns: у and ю.

Nominative singular


Dative singular
окно window окну
море sea морю
здание building зданию
NB The neuter words время and имя form their dative singular as follows:
время – времени; имя – имени.

lf the indirect object of a sentence is plural then its ending must change to the dative plural; it must also change to the dative if the noun follows those verbs which always take the dative (e.g. помогать, to help, звонить, to ring and советовать, to advise).

The dative plural endings for nouns are the same for all genders. There are two possible endings (ам, or ям) and to determine which one should be used, look at the last letter of the nominative singular.

The ending for dative plural nouns ending in a consonant, а or o in the nominative singular is ам. Add this ending to nouns ending in a consonant; to nouns ending in a or o, remove the last letter of the nominative singular, then add ам, for example:
спортсмен – Врач советует спортсменам – The doctor advises the sportsmen.
сестра – Брат советует сёстрам – The brother advises (his) sisters.

The ending for dative plural nouns which end in anything else in the nominative singular (i.e. й, ь, я, ия, e, ие) is ям.
Remove the last letter of the nominative singular and add ям, for example:
герой – Президент дал героям медали – president gave medals to the heroes.
строитель – Банкир советует строителям – The banker advises the builders.

Nouns which have irregular nominative plurals form their dative plural from the nominative plural:

Nominative singular Nominative plural Dative singular
друг друзья друзьям
ребёнок дети детям
человек люди людям

The words дочь, время and имя form their dative plurals as follows:
дочь – дочерям, время – временам, имя – именам.

2 комментария:

  1. I always find it difficult to decide when and where to use Дательный падеж even though I know the idea behind it it just won't click!, Do you have any other tips for spotting when to use it for dumbarses like me?

  2. Have you already seen my video David?

    Here is the link -

    I think it will help if you will use the auxiliary words for the cases:

    Nominative case (это) кто? что? (это кто? кошка, это что? карандаш)
    Genitive case (нет) кого? чего? (нет кого? кошки, нет чего? карандаша)
    Dative case (даю, иду) кому? чему? даю кому? кошке, иду к чему? к карандашу
    Accusative case (виню, вижу) кого? что? (виню кого? кошку, вижу что? карандаш)
    Instrumental case (творю, доволен) кем? чем? (доволен кем? кошкой, творю чем? карандашом)
    Prepositional case (думаю о, говорю о) о ком? о чём? (думаю о ком? о кошке, говорю о чём? о карандаше)
