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четверг, 14 июля 2011 г.

Грамматика русского языка. Часть 4. Безударные гласные. Глава 1. Безударные А и О. Russian Grammar. Part 4. The Unstressed Vowels. Unit 1. The Unstressed А and О.

Russian words have only one stressed syllable and the vowel in that stressed syllable always remains true to its sound in the alphabet. You therefore know how to pronounce every stressed vowel in the Russian language.

Attention please

1. As in English, the stress in Russian has no fixed place in a word. In a word of two or more syllables, it may fall on any syllable.
2. In Russian, the stressed syllable - and particularly the vowel in that syllable - is pronounced more emphatically than in English.
3. In the pronunciation of a stressed syllable in Russian, the pitch of the voice is raised.

The unstressed vowels are much less distinct.

The Unstressed А and О

The unstressed а and о sound like the uh-sound in lemon. Actually, there are slight differences in the sound of the unstressed а and о, depending on their exact position in a word.

In the Pretonic Position

When the unstressed a and o come (in the syllable) immediately before a stressed vowel (i. e., in the pretonic position), both a and o sound like uh-sound in come.
The unstressed vowel in the pretonic position is somewhat stronger and has a more distinct sound than all other unstressed vowels in the same word. This should be particularly noted because it is just the opposite in English, where the pretonic unstressed vowel is the weakest and least distinct.


трава [truh-vah] grass
арбуз [uhr-boos] watermelon
магазин [muh-guh-z'een] shop

The word магазин has two unstressed a's, the second of which is in the pretonic position.Try to distinguish the difference in sound between the first a and the second (pretonic) a. The second a will sound stronger and more distinct than the first.

оно [uh-naw] it
полно [puhl-naw] full (n.)
хорошо [khuh-ruh-shaw] well

The word хорошо has two unstressed o's, the second of which is in the pretonic position. Try to distinguish the difference between the two unstressed o's. The second (pretonic) o will sound stronger and more distinct than the first.

In Other Positions

When the unstressed a and o come (in a syllable) after a stressed vowel or not immediately before a stressed vowel (such as the first a in магазин and the first o in хорошо), they are less distinct. Then they sound like the uh-sound in lemon.

эта [eh-tuh] this (f.)
это [eh-tuh] this is
слава [slah-vuh] glory
слово [slaw-vuh] word

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