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четверг, 7 июля 2011 г.

Грамматика русского языка. Часть 3. Различие согласных звуков по глухости / звонкости. Глава 1. Звонкие и глухие согласные (Продолжение). Russian Grammar. Part 3. Voicing and Devoicing of Consonants. Unit 1. Voiced and Voiceless Consonants (Continued).

Devoicing at the End of a Word

Let´s take up the sounds that change when they are at the end of a word. The voiced consonants б, в, г, д, ж, and з - when they come at the end of a word - lose their sharpness; that is, they become voiceless.

The б sounds almost like п;
The в sounds almost like ф;
The г sounds almost like к or х;
The д sounds almost like т;
The ж sounds almost like ш;
The з sounds almost like с;

The word лоб (forehead) is pronounced as if it were spelled [lawp]
The word друг (friend) is pronounced as if it were spelled [drook]
The word раз (once) is pronounced as if it were spelled [rahs]
The spelling, of course, does not change; only the pronunciation.


зуб [zoop] tooth, but зубы [zoo-bih] teeth
луг [look] meadow, but луга [loo-gah] meadows
сад [saht] garden, but сады [suh-dih] gardens

If a soft sign comes at the end of a word, the consonant which precedes it is considered to be "at the end of the word" for the purposes of this rule. Thus, for example, голубь (pigeon) is pronounced: [gaw-loop']. The soft sign simply softens the devoiced б

Devoicing before a Voiceless Consonant

The same consonants (б, в, г, д, ж, and з) also become devoiced when they precede a voiceless consonant.


ловко [lawf-kuh] adroitly
кружка [kroosh-kuh] mug
лодка [lawt-kuh] boat

As in case of the devoicing of consonants at the end of a word, here also the change occurs only in pronunciation. The spelling does not change.

Devoicing before a voiceless consonant may occur when a word ends in two consecutive voiced consonants: the final consonant automatically becomes devoiced because it is at the end of a word; as a result, the next-to-last letter will also become devoiced because it precedes a consonant that has become voiceless. For example, consider the word съезд, spelled s'yehzd but pronounced [s'yehst]. The final consonant д became devoiced because it comes before a voiceless sound (the devoiced д).
Devoicing before a voiceless consonant may also occur, even though a soft sign intervenes. Consider the word редька, transcribed [r'eht'-kuh]. Here, the д becomes devoiced because the consonant which follows it [к] is already voiceless. The intervening soft sign simply softens the voiceless д.

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