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понедельник, 4 июля 2011 г.

Грамматика русского языка. Часть 2. Изменение звуков. Глава 4. Действие разделительных знаков. Russian Grammar. Part 2. Sound Variations. Unit 4. Action Of The Separation Signs.

In the previous examples illustrating the softening of consonants, the initial й sound of the soft vowels - я, ё, е, and ю - was lost. There is, however, a way of keeping the sound of the soft vowels. It is done by means fo two signs, one of which is already familiar to you - the soft sign [ь].

The letter ь acts not only as a soft sign, softening the sound of a consonant that precedes it, but also as a separation sign.  In the latter capacity, it serves to separate the sound of a soft consonant from the sound of the vowel that follows it. As a result of the separation, the initial й sound of the vowel is preserved. However, there should be no pause whatsoever between the sound of the consonant and the sound of the vowel.

The Letter ь as a Separation Sign

When the soft sign [ь] comes between a consonant and a vowel, you soften the consonant but keep the й sound of the vowel.

пью [p'yoo] (I) am drinking

So remember, whenever you see a soft sign between a consonant and a vowel, soften the consonant and say й before the vowel.

судья [sood'-yah] judge       
друзья [drooz-yah] friends
барьер [buhr-yehr] barrier

To make sure you can recognize the difference the soft sign makes between a consonant and a vowel, repeat the following sets of words. Notice how the й sound is retained.

хотя [khuh-t'ah] though and статья [stuht'-yah] article
полёт [puh-l'awt] flight and льёт [l'yawt] (he) pours

The Letter ъ (Hard Sign)

To keep the sound without softening the preceding consonant, however, another sign is used - the hard sign [ъ].

The hard sign is another special Russian letter which, like the soft sign, has no sound. The hard sign never begins a word but always falls between a consonant and a vowel. Its function is as follows:

When the hard sign comes between a consonant and a vowel, you keep the consonant hard, and also keep the true sound of a vowel.

объект [uhb'-yehkt] object
подъём [puhd'-yawm] ascent

To make sure you can recognize the difference a hard sign makes when it comes before a vowel, repeat the following sets of words.

сесть [s'ehst'] to sit down and съесть [s'yehst'] to eat
сёмга [s'awm-guh] salmon and съёмка [s'yawm-kuh] survey
обнять [uhb-n'aht'] to embrace and объять [uhb'-yaht'] to fill, to envelop

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