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пятница, 10 июня 2011 г.

Грамматика русского языка. Часть 1. Русский алфавит. Глава 7. Буква Й. Russian Grammar. Part 1. Russian Alphabet. Unit 7. The Letter Й.

The letter Й й [transcribed y; pronounced as in yank]

Before studying soft vowels, you will find it very useful to learn to pronounce a special Russian letter which is part of the sound of these soft vowels. This letter never stands alone. It always stands next to a vowel. This is the letter й.

After a vowel.
When й comes after a vowel, it sounds like the y in boy.
рой [rawy] swarm
май [mahy] May
мойка [mawy-kuh] kitchen sink

Before a vowel.
When й comes before a vowel, it is pronounced like the y in yet.
Examples:[yawrk] York
йота [yaw-tuh] iota
йога [yaw-guh] yoga

Between two vowels.
When й falls between  two vowels, it sounds like the y in coyote.
район [ruh-yawn] region, district
майор [muh-yawr] major

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